WHEA World records, Grip sport
In WHEA competitions, the performances are approved to records if the following rules are fullfilled and the record is approved by WHEA via video approval.
If the event is WHEA record approved by the judge of the competition approves the WR attempt, please provide the videos + record sheet about the possible record attempts to WHEA approval. Send the video & sheet via www.wetransfer.com to records@worldheavyeventsassociation.com in 24 hrs after the competition for approval. The records are not confirmed WR´s without WHEA video validation.
- The competition is a WHEA event = held by WHEA or its national federation or it´s regional/local operator.
- The judge of the competition / performance must be a WHEA educatated judge with a passed judge test (valid 2 yrs at the time).
- The equipment must meet the rules and standards from WHEA rules.
- The record attemp must be filmed and sent to WHEA for review during 24 hrs after the competition unless the record is done in WHEA World Championships, which is directly record cabable.
- The record is approved and confirmed only after the video review by WHEA.
WHEA record attemp attachment.