Therapeutic use exemption (TUE)
Athletes may have illnesses or conditions that require them to take particular medications. If the medication an athlete is required to take to treat an illness or condition happens to fall under the Prohibited List, a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) may give that athlete the authorization to take the needed medicine.
The purpose of the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE) is to ensure that the process of granting TUEs is harmonized across sports and countries.
How to apply TUE from WHEA:
1. If the athletes NADO has given valid TUE, WHEA will recognize it and the athlete only need to send it to WHEA. If the athlete don´t have TUE it needs to be applied in minimum of 60 days prior the competition.
2. How to apply: Fill out WADA´s TUE form in english: (Fill WHEA on the box at the right upper corner).
Send the rightly filled and signed application (only) to ethics(@)
You will get confirmation of the arrival and estimation about the processing time (which can take up to 60days).
In the process WADA´s quidelines are followed and if needed WHEA is consulting FINCIS in decision making.
If the TUE is granted, the athlete will receive the proof document via email.
If the TUE is not granted, the athlete will receive the decision about it via email.
The athlete has the right to complaint about the desicion to CAS.
Please note, that applications in other languages than english are not approved. Un-signed or otherwise wrongly filled or partially un-filled applications are not approved.
> I am not sure, what to do – who can assist me? You can email directly to ethics(@) about any questions you have about the anti-doping. Please note, that the discussion language is English. All personal information will be handled with 100% confidence. The questions are answered as soon as possible.